Dreams can help us gain insight into ourselves, the world we live in, and even the possibilities for our life that remain to be uncovered. Highly sensitive people often have vivid dreams. My approach to dreamwork in therapy is to accompany you on a journey of discovery. I seek to provide a safe and supportive space for exploration and processing of dream content.
I believe the most important interpretation of any dream is what it means to the client in their own context, and follow the client’s lead in how deeply they would like to dive in to dreamwork. Nightmares are not off-limits here: the hardest dreams often provide the greatest reward once they can be approached. Having support to do this work can make all the difference.
As a lifelong dreamer, I’ve been on a long journey of exploration myself and have embarked on study and training to support my own wellbeing through dreams and to guide others in this area. I am a certified Level 2 Dream Teacher through the Robert Moss School of Active Dreaming. This intensive training includes techniques for individual and group dreamwork focused on bringing through healing and creativity for both individuals and communities. I have also completed in-depth training on working with dreams with intuitive psychiatrist Judith Orloff, MD.
As Robert Moss says, “dreams tell us more than we already know.” There is value embracing the wisdom of dreams as a resource that can benefit our health, emotional wellbeing, work life, and creativity. If you’re not currently remembering your dreams but would like to, we can talk about techniques to jumpstart your dream life, including journaling and other approaches to remembering.
I look forward to walking with you in exploring dreams as a source of healing and growth.