Narrative therapy is a therapy modality developed by Michael White and David Epston in which the therapist assists the client in creating a new life narrative (story) based on the client’s strengths, skills, and values. I like to think of narrative therapy as harnessing the power of story for healing.
Working together in therapy, we can use this story-focused therapy framework to:
· understand where your story came from and where you want it to go
· identify and externalize negative messages that falsely define you
· identify the strengths that have gotten you through your toughest challenges
· visualize the story you want to live and start to create it.
This empowering, strengths-based approach helps clients recognize the resources inside and around them that can help shape a new way forward. Envisioning the future you want and can see yourself living has so much power in helping you get there.
I see myself as a partner with you along the way, assisting you in clarifying the ways you see yourself now, pinpointing sources of struggle, separating these problems out from who you are, and seeing the ways to live with more hope and possibility.
This is an exciting and transformative way to work, even if changes are gradual, because of the focus on recognizing the strengths that already exist within you. This can be revolutionary if you’re used to hearing what is wrong, instead of what is right, with you.
I look forward to working with you in support of renewed hope and an empowering story.